Sunday, May 24, 2015

Guest Stupidity

(After I texted with perceived plot holes while watching Frozen for the first time): "DON'T OVERTHINK DISNEY MAGIC"

Guest Stupidity

(Regarding the NY Mets): "They have a great talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."
"It's all about the thin veneer of maturity.  Put that on my tombstone after I die doing something stupid."
(After testing some clearance wine sold in a glorified juice box): "This gives boxed wine a bad name, and that's saying something."

Guest Stupidity

(To MPH, regarding the saga of a squirrel trapped in his father's basement): "Be honest, you enjoyed using the ninja training a little bit."

Guest Stupidity

(Regarding symbiosis): "Like, you're not parasites, but you're both parasites."

Guest Stupidity

"You know me, I always vote for the devil you know (and have complicated emotional history with)."

Guest Stupidity

"It's a good thing paper isn't claustrophobic."

Guest Stupidity

"Every time I hear about another senator involved in a sex scandal I think, 'Yes! My gay agenda is working!'"
(Regarding Passion Parties): "It's a pyramid scheme with more vibrators."
"I'm bad at BDSM. It's 50 Shades of Phil!"

Guest stupidity

"That's Showtime for you.  'Sexy sexy history' should be their tagline."